How to share model files when multiple sets of Stable Diffusion are installed on one computerI have three sets of Stable Diffusion ui installed on my computer:Oct 23, 2023Oct 23, 2023
Generative video with StyleGAN and Unreal engineI used StyleGAN2-ADA to generate the original portrait, and then applied some special effects in Unreal.Sep 3, 2021Sep 3, 2021
How to add Shadertoy effect to Spark ARThis article introduces how to add the effects on Shadertoy into Spark AR Studio.Feb 28, 2021Feb 28, 2021
A WebAR AI Christmas Tree ExampleLast year today, I made a Christmas tree using Bender and Python:Dec 31, 2020Dec 31, 2020
How to turn on HiDPI mode on external display in macOSHow to turn on HiDPI mode on external display in macOSAug 30, 20201Aug 30, 20201
Simulating Robot Arm with MaxMSP and ABB RobotStudioThis project was a simulation of Robot Arm using ABB RobotStudio and MaxMSP Jitter.Jul 30, 2020Jul 30, 2020
Motion capture with Tenserflow.js/PoseNet + MaxMSP + BlenderThe key steps of the video above:Apr 29, 2020Apr 29, 2020
AI as a way of expressing emotionsThese days I’m learning machine learning and trying generating visual things based on StyleGAN, a neural network.Apr 21, 2020Apr 21, 2020
How to make interactive audiovisual effect in 5 minutes using Blender and MaxMSPBlender is now a new force in 3D art. Although new but not young, about twenties.Mar 3, 2020Mar 3, 2020
How to use phone dial tone as an interaction controller, and decode DTMF signalsThe first article in 2020, accidentally picked an Old School topic.Jan 6, 2020Jan 6, 2020
Drawing anything with Fourier Series using Blender and PythonRecently, in the Fourier Series chapter of “Coding Druid”, I practiced the visualization of Fourier Series and demonstrated the periodic…Dec 14, 2019Dec 14, 2019
Using Blender to run Python and visualizing Fourier SeriesUse Blender as the IDE for Python programming. Drawing 2D graphics in Blender with calling Grease Pencil API using Python.Dec 12, 2019Dec 12, 2019
Fourier Series Visualization Using Unity“Coding Druid” series is my horizontal programming practice notes, each part around a topic like mathematical, physics, electronic…Nov 3, 2019Nov 3, 2019
BugOSC, an OSC controller based on WeChat Mini ProgramBugOSC is an OSC controller based on WeChat Mini Program that sends standard OSC data to devices on the LAN.Oct 25, 2019Oct 25, 2019
Fourier Series Visualization Using React HooksThis chapter I implement Fourier Series curve visualization. And start with JavaScript and React Hooks this section.Aug 31, 2019Aug 31, 2019
Sine function visualization using Unity3D“Coding Druid” series is my horizontal programming practice notes, each part around a topic like mathematical, physics, electronic…Jul 11, 2019Jul 11, 2019
Sine function visualization using Python“Coding Druid” series is my horizontal programming practice notes, each part around a topic like mathematical, physics, electronic…Jul 9, 2019Jul 9, 2019
Sine function visualization using React Hooks“Coding Druid” series is my horizontal programming practice notes, each part around a topic like mathematical, physics, electronic…Jul 6, 2019Jul 6, 2019
Trigonometric function visualization using MaxMSP — “Coding Druid”“Coding Druid” series is my horizontal programming practice notes, each part around a topic like mathematical, physics, electronic…Jul 4, 2019Jul 4, 2019